Median XL is a giant and most popular modification for Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction that change almost every aspect of original game. New skills, new items, new monsters with improved AI, new interior and exterior locations and tons of gameplay changes awaits you. If you hard enough to get 50+ level and play on Terror and Destruction difficulties you will encounter many thrilling challenges with exclusive rewards.
On this website you will found detailed instruction how to install Diablo 2 + Median XL Ultimative (Median XL extension) + PlugY (better inventory, stash and small fixes) + D2MultiRes (support for modern resolutions), and little info for cheaters too. ;)
And don't forget to check out official Median XL website, especiallly the documentation page.
UdieMXL uses the Mod's Text files in order to edit stats read character files etc etc.... and most of that information is inside basically this file is like good 20 or 50 versions behind of the current Median patch's text files it would be a miracle if it even recognizes the current patch as a mod =,=